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Adding a coat of paint to a brick wall is an easy way to change the look of a room.
It’s important to start with a clean canvas. Give your brickwork a good scrub with a scourer or stiff brush and use a vacuum to remove any loose bits of mortar or dust. Wipe down the face of the bricks with a damp, soapy cloth and allow your wall to dry for 12 hours.
Can you see any cracks in the bricks or cement joints? If so, use a filler and follow the drying instructions on the packaging.
Next, apply a primer and undercoat that’s suitable for brick using a roller with a medium to long pile (the rougher the surface of the brick, the longer the pile you’ll need). Use a brush to apply the primer inside all of the joins that the roller can’t reach. Give the primer plenty of time to dry before you start painting – check the drying instructions if you’re unsure.
Choose a water-based acrylic paint intended for interior use, and paint your brick wall as you would any interior wall, using the same roller you used to prime the surface. If the space you’re painting connects with a different coloured wall or the ceiling, you’ll need to cut in around the edges and corners using a brush to create a professional looking finish.
Exposed brick is more porous than regular plaster walls, so you’ll need at least two coats to get a uniform finish. Allow each layer to dry fully before applying additional coats – we recommend no more than fours coats.
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