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Stylishly simple, confidently subtle
Neutral colours have consistently been favourites for a simple reason: they go well with any colour in any room. Visually appealing either on their own or with other colours, neutral colours are also suitable for both interiors and exteriors.
Grey also performs different visual functions. Grey can enhance by directing visibility towards muted colours, yet it restrains by diverting attention away from overpowering colours.
Many homeowners and interior designers look to grey as their trusted neutral colour. Stylish yet soothing, dramatic without distracting, greys exude subtle sophistication for whichever room, material or furniture in a home.
Modern, minimalistic interiors rely on the understated confidence of greys to make simple designs stand out. The simplicity of pure white is best contrasted with cool greys, while warm greys blend seamlessly with natural stone and wooden furnishings.
The flexibility of grey also applies to exteriors. Whenever exteriors present colours, from features such as roofs and brick walls, that barely complement one another as a palette, grey is the best unifying colour to bridge different hues.
As the predominant colour in industrial environments, grey has become associated with utilitarian and functional virtues. Neither black nor white yet distinct, unpretentiously attractive with or without attention.
Dulux Evening Shadow pairs well with modern interiors to highlight wooden furnishings and accessories.
Dulux Weathershield PowerFlexx™ is ideal for keeping exterior walls looking sharp in grey through all weather conditions.
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